
Scientifically Based Solution for Low Back Pain

After years of development and testing validated by independent research teams at the Universities of Florida and San Diego, MedX machines have helped tens of thousands of people around the world reduce or eliminate their back pain.

Clinical research has shown the MedX Core Spinal System will isolate, strengthen and increase the muscular endurance of the lower back and torso. In one study of 1,339 chronic low back pain sufferers, over 80% reported reduced or eliminated back pain. On follow-up after 13 months, 94% of those patients who reported excellent to good results maintained this improvement.

Sessions are fully supervised by exercise specialists and take less than 30 minutes twice per week until strength levels improve. One session per week is all that is needed for maintenance. If you battle with chronic low back pain or intermittent low back pain, you owe it to yourself to explore the possibility of long term relief through the MedX Core Spinal System.


Using the MedX Core Lumbar Extension technology 10 times over the course of 6 weeks will increase low back strength, function, flexibility and in most cases decrease pain. Each session includes MedX Lumbar plus 8 - 10 other strength and flexibility exercises to condition the rest of the musculoskeletal system. After lumbar strength is developed and low back pain subsides, CORE Rotation can be added to the routine. After lumbar strength has increased to normal levels, research shows that MedX training once per week is not only all that is needed, it is all that is desired to maintain results.

In a study of 627 chronic low back pain patients treated with the MedX low back exercise: *Participants average duration of symptoms: 26 months Patients had an average of 6 previous clinical interventions (including surgery) 89% previously failed a “supervised exercise program” 93% reported improvement in function 76% reported elimination or significant reduction in pain 94% reported maintaining all of their improvement one year later. *Published in the Journal of Orthopaedics Vol 18 No 10 1995


Medx technology is perhaps the most peer reviewed, researched and published equipment for the treatment of low back and neck pain in the world. Articles documenting the validity and the reliability of MedX equipment can be found in many scientific journals including:

  • Spine
  • Physical Therapy
  • American Journal of Sports Medicine
  • Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
  • Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
  • Journal of Musculoskeletal Medicine
  • Sports Medicine Orthopedics
  • Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
  • Journal of Workers’Compensation


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1100 Grosser Rd, Gilbertsville
Call 610-367-6611

Hours of Operation
Mon- Fri : 5am to 8pm
Saturday - Sunday: 7am to 2pm



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